Saturday, February 14, 2015

Socotra in SW Asia

Socotra is located approximately 220 miles from Yemen and the Arabian peninsula in SW Asia.  It was relatively unknown to the outside world prior to the 21st century.  For instance, in 2000 only 140 visitors traveled here.  By 2010, though, the number climbed to 4,000.  Why?

Socotra is a World Heritage site.  It has nearly 600 villages, unique flora and fauna, the Hajhir Mountains (5,000 ft), and amazing beaches and vistas.  

Examine the photos of Socotra below and then answer the questions that follow.

Predict what YOU think the total visitors will be for 2015.  Why did you choose this number?  Based on the information provided and any prior knowledge that you may have, list reasons why someone would want to visit here AND some reasons why someone might not want to visit here.

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