Thursday, February 26, 2015


Critics can't agree on how quickly rainforests are disappearing but they do agree that the rainforests are disappearing.  One researcher said “Our estimates indicate a 62% acceleration in net deforestation in the humid tropics from the 1990s to the 2000s,” write the authors.  These researchers used satellite imagery to examine the tropical rainforests of 34 countries including Brazil, Indonesia, and Thailand.


Why the increase?  Is technology allowing the people to clear these forests faster?  Although each country seems to clear the forests for different reasons, farming is often a big reason.  Brazil is beginning to see the negative effects with a drought that is threatening the water supply of Sao Paulo. 


1. Does it matter how quickly the forests are disappearing?  Why?  Why not?

2. How do we convince the rain forest countries of the world to slow (or even stop) deforestation and engage in reforestation projects?

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